Tuesday, January 1, 2013

That "New Year Smell"

Today has that "new year smell". Or is it the rain we've had all day. No, I'm pretty sure it's that "new year smell".  Well I don't do resolutions however, this time of year does make me reflective and retrospective.  Oh, yeah, I get deep in it (scary for my mind).

What I learned in 2012

I ain't perfect

In 2012 I learned that I'm not grown up and never will be.  I've been waiting to "feel" grown up since I was 30 something.  Never happened.  I still have the same childish inner thoughts that seem to be creeping out more and more.  I've accepted my personal issues too and embrace them as uniquely mine.  Issues? Yeah, you know, the neurotic, OCDish type issues.  2012 taught me that whoever thinks I'm crazy haven't really seen crazy.  I'm just a lovable little "loon".
No, not this kind of Loon.

This kind of "loon" (as in entertaining August J. and in my creativity)
Moving forward in 2013 I will embrace my youthful spirit and let my fun flag fly often!


Mess comes with the territory

I drive myself crazy thinking that everything has to be neat and orderly to get anything done.  Just try working on one project and keeping everything neat and orderly and see how much you get done.  Although my workspace as of late has left a lot to be desired.  Not entirely my fault.  We've spent the last month rearranging our house.  The last to get treatment, of course, is my workspace.  Alas, I am alone in that endeavor, left to my own neurotic ideas of everything in it's place.  By the end of 2012 I've learned that everything does NOT have a place of it's own and there will always be loose strings to tidy up.  I've learned that as long as you know where your materials & tools are you can work. *sigh* That was not easy.
Moving forward in 2013 I will work around my mess.

Just do it!

Never mind the perfect time or conditions.  When you're working for yourself at home, there's NEVER the perfect time or conditions.  Like writing this blog today, I've been interrupted by the girls, literally every 2 minutes for the past hour.  Then there are the days when I planned to work all day but August J. would in effect say, 'change of plans MaMarie'.  It is all about him after all.  Nonetheless, I learned that anytime is a good time to create or get the grunt work done.  Albeit late in the year, I learned it. 
Moving forward in 2013 I know that I don't have the luxury of setting a specific work schedule, but I will capitalize on each minute and be productive with the time I take out for my work and create what's in my heart.
What about you?  What did you learn during 2012?  How will you use those lessons to grow or make your creativity better?
Work hard, love harder but if you're not having fun you're won't be very successful.
Peace be the journey,
August J's Treasure Chest of Unique Jewelry

Friday, August 10, 2012

Get 'er Done!

Some of the packages I received this week--Goodies!
Tophatter is a great auction site for buying all sorts of things.  I've been spending a lot of time, and money, there buying supplies to create my "masterpieces".  Getting packages in the mail can become pretty addictive. Peeking out the window every time you hear a truck pass to see if it's the mail truck.  I've been trying to play it cool so I don't start peeking until after 2pm when I know my mail person passes. 

Even though you know what you ordered it's still a thrill opening those packages to see what came.  I've gotten some REALLY good deals on Tophatter from some great sellers.
What was in those packages? Destash silver beads, memory wire, silver spacer beads,
 animal print jewelry boxes, bronze butterfly pendants, genuine garnet beads and a handy jewelry making tool
I've discovered things that I never knew I needed but now I can't do without them. Great finds that's gotten those creative juices flowing like lava from an impatient volcano.  Like feathers! I never thought about using them in my jewelry making.  But I kept seeing them come up for bid and I couldn't stop thinking about them.  But first I fell for these gorgeous crackle beads.
Then I saw those beautiful green peacock feathers and DING! I HATCHED A VISION!

What a rush! New ideas floating around in this octogan brain.  Only problem is, once the ideas start flowing my ability to fall asleep gets weaker.  But I know what I have to do...I have to set my visions free! That means I have to stop shopping and start working. I gotta "get 'er done!".  The Shakerag Arts & Crafts festival is only about 32 days away now. I want to blow the people away with new and wonderful designs.  You'll know on Monday if I've set my visions free.  I'll share pictures!

Until Monday, everyone have a wonderful weekend and those of us who have work to do, "GET 'ER DONE!".

Peace be the journey,


Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Supporting Cast

No business or individual entrepreneur can succeed without a good supporting cast. That's why they give Oscars for Best Supporting Actor/Actress in a Film. It's an important role and somebody(s) have to play it.  In my case, and for most budding entreprenurs, it's my spouse and family.  I started making polymerclay rings for my granddaughters and their friends. They all loved them so much and their mothers would tell me I could easily make and sell my rings at craft shows.
Two years later I told my husband I wanted to give it a try, thinking he'd be hung up on the cost and travel involved, I prepared to plead my case. I said I'd only do local shows within a 100 mile radius. To my delight he said, give it a try.
We agreed upon the NWG Hot Air Balloon Festival, June 1-3.  It promised to be a busy festival with thousands of fair goers looking for arts & crafts items.

Excited, I busied myself with making Festival related pieces, among other things.  I thought to myself that this is  hot air balloon festival and the fair goers will be thrilled with hot air balloon jewelry pieces.

I came up with my own hot air balloon designs. I formed, painted and decorated them with swarovski crystals all from my imagination. Looking at what I had created, I was very pleased.  I also made other pieces not fair related to offer.

My booth at the NWG Hot Air Balloon Festival, June 1-3, 2012

Then off we went to the NW Georgia Hot Air Balloon Festival on the weekend of June 1.  I would love to say what a roaring success it was.  My husband was so supportive and willing to give me my wings that I wanted it to be successful for him.

But, alas, it was an utter FAILURE.  NOT 1 SALE.  I felt like such a huge looser sitting out there in all that heat, having spent all that money to get there and for the set up. My "dumb" sign that I had to tape to the tent because, duh, I didn't think about how I was gonna put it up.  Oh! Not to mention the tent I had to go out and buy once I got there because, duh, they don't provide an ACTUAL booth, just a space.

The fair itself wasn't much of a success for any of the vendors.  But I learned valuable lessons from the seasoned vendors there and felt that after all, it was a successful venture because I got hands-on experience in vending and training from the vendors there.  I sheepishly told my husband that it was a good learning experience for future vending opportunities.  To my surprise he agreed and started talking about strategies and preparations for NEXT time. 

My girls and family are my #1 fans and cheering section.  My 10-year-old, Kayla, was determined for everyone at the fair to love my work as much as she did.  So she walked the entire fair in the blazing sun, going to all the vendors with some of my pieces and inviting them to visit my booth!

My mother-in-law deserves a supporting cast award as well. She's always ready to help me with August so that I can get things done.  She gladly took care of him the weekend of the festival so that I could try vending.  I couldn't have gone without her or my husband wouldn't have been able to come with me, which would have felt really, really lonely and sad considering how things turned out.

Because of my husband's support, when we got home I was energized to do it again, and so was he!  So we won't be home the weekend of September 15 & 16. We'll be at the Shakerag Arts & Crafts Show in Peachtree City, GA. Armed with a "real" banner and lessons from our first go round.


Well that's all for now.  Go forth and create.  Let the imaginations fly free!

Peace be the journey,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yes, I worked in a cubicle for several years (20 to be exact).  How I hated that. Every morning my alarm clock would ring and I'd grunt a loud, "Ugh!".  I realized that I was an "octogon" in a square world. I just didn't fit in.  My co-workers were pleasant enough.  There were 3 groups of co-workers: the "Promot me annoyingly company person group", the "I'm only doing this until something better comes along group" and the "I hate my boss/job group".

I didn't fit in with any of those groups. My happy-go-lucky, "just chill out everything will get done when I get everything done" personality didn't fit in with the corporate scheme of things. Go figure. During my cubicle life, I wrote quite a bit of poetry. One piece was born out of my frustration and ire for the cubicle life. Wanna read it? Here it is:

  • Inspiration:  In New Orleans we lived across from a natural levee which bordered the Mississippi River and the Industrial Canal. From atop the levee you could see the Downtown skyscrapers, housing corporate offices and various high rise hotels. One evening as the sun was setting on the Mississippi I looked over at those buildings and the setting sun glistening on them and thought, "How beautiful; too bad it doesn't look like this from the inside."

City Skyline

Looking out across the Mississippi I can see the Downtown skyline
The sun glistening on the glass and iron making the buildings shine

My spirit, though, cannot be warmed by the sun's glow as I peer that way
A cold glare is all I see because over there, darkness covers the light of day

Visions of white men, black women, latino wives and asian husbands
Clawing and scratching through corporate America's raging torrents

For the prize they all stretch and empty themselves of all their fiber
Trampling over bodies, just another obstacle, like a rock climber

Scrapping and growling, marking territory to stake their claim
On the prowl, ready to pounce all for the sake of making a name

The city skyline sitting on the Mississippi, quietly it howls
The roar of the corporate machine pounding up from it's bowels

Souls of the forgotten ones go about haunting the elevators and halls
Where they're boxed in cubes, hidden from the sun and fed in stalls

Corporations etch the skyline, making a few rich, the major, tho,  just exist
The lure of security traps them in cubes like a hamster in a cage, what a twist

Hamsters learning to be content with running but getting no place
Unless you're willing to play their game of "hide your true face"

The sun sets on the city skyline like a brush painting it orange and then grey
Sleep now little hamsters, you'll need your strength for another corporate day

(c) Tammy Walker-Thomas 2003

That's all for today. Take baby steps to the dream.

Peace be the journey,
