Tuesday, January 1, 2013

That "New Year Smell"

Today has that "new year smell". Or is it the rain we've had all day. No, I'm pretty sure it's that "new year smell".  Well I don't do resolutions however, this time of year does make me reflective and retrospective.  Oh, yeah, I get deep in it (scary for my mind).

What I learned in 2012

I ain't perfect

In 2012 I learned that I'm not grown up and never will be.  I've been waiting to "feel" grown up since I was 30 something.  Never happened.  I still have the same childish inner thoughts that seem to be creeping out more and more.  I've accepted my personal issues too and embrace them as uniquely mine.  Issues? Yeah, you know, the neurotic, OCDish type issues.  2012 taught me that whoever thinks I'm crazy haven't really seen crazy.  I'm just a lovable little "loon".
No, not this kind of Loon.

This kind of "loon" (as in entertaining August J. and in my creativity)
Moving forward in 2013 I will embrace my youthful spirit and let my fun flag fly often!


Mess comes with the territory

I drive myself crazy thinking that everything has to be neat and orderly to get anything done.  Just try working on one project and keeping everything neat and orderly and see how much you get done.  Although my workspace as of late has left a lot to be desired.  Not entirely my fault.  We've spent the last month rearranging our house.  The last to get treatment, of course, is my workspace.  Alas, I am alone in that endeavor, left to my own neurotic ideas of everything in it's place.  By the end of 2012 I've learned that everything does NOT have a place of it's own and there will always be loose strings to tidy up.  I've learned that as long as you know where your materials & tools are you can work. *sigh* That was not easy.
Moving forward in 2013 I will work around my mess.

Just do it!

Never mind the perfect time or conditions.  When you're working for yourself at home, there's NEVER the perfect time or conditions.  Like writing this blog today, I've been interrupted by the girls, literally every 2 minutes for the past hour.  Then there are the days when I planned to work all day but August J. would in effect say, 'change of plans MaMarie'.  It is all about him after all.  Nonetheless, I learned that anytime is a good time to create or get the grunt work done.  Albeit late in the year, I learned it. 
Moving forward in 2013 I know that I don't have the luxury of setting a specific work schedule, but I will capitalize on each minute and be productive with the time I take out for my work and create what's in my heart.
What about you?  What did you learn during 2012?  How will you use those lessons to grow or make your creativity better?
Work hard, love harder but if you're not having fun you're won't be very successful.
Peace be the journey,
August J's Treasure Chest of Unique Jewelry


  1. Wonderful post Tammy.

    Great to see you back posting on your blog!

    I wish you success and luck this year with your business, you deserve it.

    Kind Regards,
    Joel Barnett

  2. Thanks Joel. Same to you and your family.
